Challenge families overview

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The level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) indicates the teaching level for which these challenges have been developed:

A1 – primary level
A2 – secondary level I
B1 and B2– secondary level II
C1 – transition from secondary level II to tertiary level

Generally, each level builds on the preceding level. In order to select the right teaching material, however, you will need to take into consideration your students’ individual level of development. Please make sure you also look at the teaching material of the preceding and following levels!


The implementation of a challenge may take between 2 periods and an entire school year. To provide orientation we have categorised our challenges as short, medium or long. You will find the exact number of periods required for a specific challenge in the teacher materials.


All challenges are grouped in themes (e. g. language, economics or personal development) according to their content. Some challenges cover several themes.

Challenge family

Each challenge belongs to a challenge family which has its own icon and a colour code that corresponds to one of the TRIO areas. A challenge family comprises several challenges on different competence levels.

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3 out of 49 Challenges found

How do I read the search results?

The filters use specific information to select the relevant challenges. Click on the challenge that interests you to view all details and download the materials.


The colour codes tell you on which area of the TRIO Model for Entrepreneurship Education the challenge focuses. Yellow stands for Core Entrepreneurial Education, pink for Entrepreneurial Culture and green for Entrepreneurial Civic Education.


The levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) displayed in the header indicate the teaching levels for which this particular challenge has been developed.


The tags contain your filter settings and provide an informative overview of all aspects of the challenge.

Idea Challenge

Design Thinking challenge

I can develop an idea and do work on implementing it

Challenge family

The name of the challenge family given in bold text in the header indicates to which family this particular challenge belongs. A challenge family comprises various challenges on different levels.

Challenge name

The challenge name (e. g. Design Thinking) is the unique challenge title.

Core competence

Each challenge family comes with a core competence that is trained with each challenge of this family.

Core Entrepreneurial Education

comprises the basic qualifications of entrepreneurial thinking and acting: developing original innovative ideas and implementing them in a creative and structured manner.

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Entrepreneurial Culture

stands for personal development: showing self-initiative, believing in yourself, acting in an empathetic and team-oriented manner and empowering yourself and others.

Be A YES Challenge

Concentrate on what is good for you!

I can say “yes” to myself and my environment.

  • Level A1
  • Language
  • Personal development
  • short
  • medium
  • long

Be A YES Challenge

A path in flourishing

I can say “yes” to myself and my environment.

  • Level A2
  • Language
  • Personal development
  • short

Be A YES Challenge

My Character Strengths

I can say “yes” to myself and my environment.

  • Level B1
  • Language
  • Personal development
  • short

Entrepreneurial Civic Education

refers to the promotion of your social competence as a citizen: assuming responsibility for yourself, for others and for the environment.

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