Debate Challenge

Vzgoja za podjetnost

From listening to debating

  • Raven A2
  • Jezik
  • Okolje
  • Osebni razvoj
  • kratko


Explanatory Video
A2 Debate Challenge

Target group:
Students at Lower Secondary Level (Level A2)

Core Idea:
How do I learn to debate? By first learning how to listen and to summarise. Through the discussion of controversial topics the students will practice forming their own opinion and coming up with arguments to support it, while respecting the opinions of others. In order to guide the discussion, clear rules are established together.

Core Competences:
Structured argumentation and constructive discussions, debating, capacity for reflection


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Učna gradiva

Izbrani izziv je trenutno na voljo samo v drugem jeziku. Če vas zanima različica v slovenščini, pišite na naslov Hvala!




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