Idea Challenge

Osnovne veščine podjetnosti

Finding solutions with the Design Thinking method

  • Raven A2
  • Jezik
  • Ekonomija
  • Umetnost in ročna dela
  • Osebni razvoj
  • srednje


Explanatory Video
A2 Idea Challenge – Finding solutions with the Design Thinking method

Target group:
Students at Lower Secondary Level (Level A2)

Core Idea:
Design Thinking helps to identify challenges or problems. The students use their empathy and creativity to develop as many ideas as possible and they experiment & test until they have found a good solution for a given problem. They also learn from their mistakes – feedback is welcome!

Core Competences:
Developing ideas, empathy, changing one’s perspective, identifying opportunities, solving problems, assuming responsibility, teamwork


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Učna gradiva

Izbrani izziv je trenutno na voljo samo v drugem jeziku. Če vas zanima različica v slovenščini, pišite na naslov Hvala!




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